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Character Crash Course

…let your story flow and soar…
6 – 8 WEEKLY 3 hour CLASSES for Solo performers and storytellers who want to create fully expressed characters

1. GENERATION: Warm ups, Improvisation, writing prompts, and guided meditation serve to open the conduit so that the writer’s “voice” can flow into new characters.

2. TECHNIQUE: You will learn how to transition between characters, & create full-bodied, full-minded, and fully spirited characters with multi-dimensions.

3. STRUCTURE: You will make decisions about where to insert “scenes” in your solo piece, and how character driven you want your piece to be.

4. PERFORMANCE: You will perform a 5-10 minute piece that includes transitions between full-fledged characters at the end of the course.

WHO IS THIS FOR? If you’ve worked with me before either in an “unleash your story” group or in The Trunk Show; if you are an Intermediate or Advanced storyteller who wants to hone your character building craft, if you are an mainstream or experimental solo artist, if you are a comic who wants to work on character development, or if you are an actor who specializes in monologuing, you are perfect for this play-romp-shop.

ALL STYLES OF STORYTELLING ENCOURAGED. This class isn’t limited to (but does include) 1st person narrative (Moth-style) storytelling.